Cauldron is on a mission to realize the full potential of precision fermentation by unlocking price parity for mainstream bio-manufactured goods.


A new way to produce

By 2050, the global population will reach nearly 10 billion people.
Current industrial production methods cannot sustainably meet projected growing demand. The future of manufacturing hinges on resource efficiency – transforming how we make everyday products by doing more with less.

biology will lead
the next industrial revolution

Biotechnology harnesses the power of biology to create new products, designed to sustain the demands of a growing population. Key breakthroughs have made biotechnology accessible, allowing us to program biology just as we program computers.

Historically, biomanufacturing has been limited
to low volume, high margin applications like pharmaceuticals. The next horizon of biomanufacturing aims to transform mainstream, high volume sectors – producing a wide range of bio-manufactured products, from food proteins and ingredients, to materials, fuels, and more.  

However, final barriers remain to realize this ambition.

High production costs

Legacy fed-batch fermentation methods have a low turnover rate, which drives up the cost of production.  

To unlock mainstream markets, we need to significantly lower production costs to achieve price parity with traditional products.

High capital requirements

Producing meaningful volumes of product using fed-batch fermentation requires large bioreactors. Capex intensive mega-facilities have become increasingly challenging to fund.

The industry needs to stand up scalable bio fermentation capacity to meet mainstream volume needs in a capital efficient manner.

Challenging path to scale

Product developers face a gap between product development in fermentation labs and commercial-scale production. This gap is often too wide for a capital-constrained precision fermentation company to bridge on their own.

our technology

By solving historical continuous fermentation challenges to establish a scalable, repeatable continuous process, our proprietary hyper-fermentation technology drives significant gains in productivity – generating more volume
at less cost, using smaller bioreactors.

See all technology
Cauldron’s hyper-fermentation technology offers substantial advantages:

Advantage 01


By harvesting more frequently and at larger volumes, we generate significantly more output compared to traditional methods.  

A hyper-fermentation line produces +275% more volume of product
compared to the output from
a 500kL fed-batch bioreactor.

Advantage 02

Cost of goods

Smaller bioreactors, a smaller footprint, and a more efficient process allows us to reduce variable costs and fixed costs – driving down the cost of goods to achieve price parity with traditional products.

Compared to 500kL fed-batch fermentation, our hyper-fermentation line drives up to 50% reduction in manufacturing costs.

Variable costs (electricity, 
water consumption) and fixed costs 
(labour, maintenance, depreciation)

Advantage 03

Capital efficiency

Gains in productivity allow us to build smaller, more efficient manufacturing capacity that reduces capital requirements.

A hyper-fermentation line requires 40% less capex compared to a 500kL fed-batch line and delivers 4x better payback.

Our services

We offer the precision fermentation industry a seamless path
from lab-scale to commercial-scale production.

See all services

Get started with technology transfer and evaluation of technical fit.


Transition to 10kL scale to validate the economic benefits of our technology applied to your specific micro-organism.


Move to commercial-scale production with fermentation lines built and operated by Cauldron.

OUR Investors

We’re proud to be backed by industry-leading investors
committed to shaping the future of biomanufacturing.

Main sequence ventures
SOS ventures
In-Q-Tel (IQT)
Horizon ventures
Main sequence ventures
SOS ventures

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